mit: Valida, Freiwillige Helferin in Sarajevo
„We are not alone in this. We have to stay focused, healthy, mentally healthy and we have to think clear to organize ourselves. It’s an invisible virus, but we can fight it.”
mit: Valida, Freiwillige Helferin in Sarajevo
„We are not alone in this. We have to stay focused, healthy, mentally healthy and we have to think clear to organize ourselves. It’s an invisible virus, but we can fight it.”
mit: Fanni, Quarantänenguru
„Ich habe mir überlegt wie ich in dieser staatlich verordneten Einsamkeit nicht verrückt werde.“
Thema: Gemeinsam statt Einsam
„Brauchen wir eine Krise um zu erkennen was wir an anderen Menschen haben?“