
As some of you might already know, in the beginning of December we went on a little trip to London. We spent our days mainly eating and shopping, but managed to squeeze in three podcast recordings. In the next weeks you will be introduced to all of them, starting today with our first international guest – Dave.

Knowing me, knowing you

Dave is currently living in Bucharest, originally from Canada and soon moving (back) to the UK. He is also Brendas cousin. Having relatives to interview is always very special to us. If you meet your cousins or siblings, depending on how often you get to see them, you normally don’t get to talk about specific topics. You talk about stuff that is on your mind, about work, what you will do for the next birthday or something along those lines. Talking to your relatives for a podcast recording is always special because it is a chance to get to know them better and on a different level.

“I am proud that I am sitting here today, doing what I am doing.”

Family first

Brenda and Dave, eventhough they are cousins, haven’t met until they were around 14 years old. Living not just in different countries but on different continents, not having a connection over social media made it hard to actually meet up or talk. Family was a constant topic that came up when we were talking to Dave. He was moving around for his job quite often. Before he got the job he has now, he changed jobs and never settled. He was always on the move. Dave and his wife have two adorable little girls now. Were they the reason he and his wife decided to move back to the UK? How hard is it to adjust to different countries and living situations? Hear all about that and much more in Daves episode.

Links: (Links are not affiliated)
Who Moved My Cheese?

The Horne Section Podcast
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